Duchy Health Charity

Cornwall’s leading grant giving health charity for the promotion of health and wellbeing
and the prevention of sickness in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly

Founders of healthcare and wellbeing related initiatives
can apply for grants to help reach their objectives

We lose an old friend and founding father

WE LOSE AN OLD FRIEND AND FOUNDING FATHER Ian Hamilton FRCS It is with great regret that we learnt of the death of Ian Hamilton who was one of the most influential past Trustees of the Duchy Health Charity and a co-founder of The Duchy Hospital. 40 years ago a number of leading medical consultants at […]

Our new communications conduit

OUR NEW COMMUNICATIONS CONDUIT ‘‘Activity on our website has increased recently with our decision to become involved in the strategic future of Cornwall’s healthcare and we need a more robust site if we are to act a communications conduit”, said Tim Guy, Webmaster, 2015 With more public facing programmes planned in the near future the charity […]

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