Recruit Train Retain: Cruse Bereavement Care in Cornwall
RECRUIT TRAIN RETAIN: CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE IN CORNWALL Cruse Bereavement Care in Cornwall offers free and confidential support to anyone who has been bereaved whatever the circumstances of that bereavement. A dedicated team of trained bereavement volunteers across the county offers one-to-one visits either at home or other venues, telephone support and facilitated peer group […]
Giving your most special resource – your time!
GIVING YOUR MOST SPECIAL RESOURCE – YOUR TIME! The Duchy Health Charity once again celebrates, with Volunteer Cornwall, the 2017 Volunteering Awards and has given this year’s Health & Care Volunteer Award to Anne Ludwig for her tireless and rewarding contributions to the Camborne Memory Café. Emma Rowse, Chair of Volunteer Cornwall says,’ When people volunteer, […]