CLEAR Emotional Trauma and Therapy Specialists Grant award: £10,000 towards a specialist service for adults…
Cruse Bereavement Care in Cornwall offers free and confidential support to anyone who has been bereaved whatever the circumstances of that bereavement.
A dedicated team of trained bereavement volunteers across the county offers one-to-one visits either at home or other venues, telephone support and facilitated peer group support. The organisation has become a victim of its own success with more people asking for help each year but with fewer financial resources for the initial and on-going training needed to support the volunteers in their work.
With the help of the Duchy Health Charity, Cruse in Cornwall is delighted to be in a position to implement its new “Recruit, train and retain” initiative to increase and retain volunteer numbers, offering a nationally recognised and externally moderated training course twice yearly, and high quality on-going support and training.
Our vision is to reach more bereaved people more quickly, offering skilled, sensitive support to give hope and encouragement during a difficult period of adjustment and to strengthen our Cruse community developing the skills of our Volunteers and enhance the support available to them.
CLEAR Emotional Trauma and Therapy Specialists Grant award: £10,000 towards a specialist service for adults…
‘Nerth’ for ‘Trelya’ (Power for Change) As a grant giving organisation, supporting non-profit organisations that contribute…
Dementia UK – Admiral Nurses Grant award: £16,000 backing for Cornwall Admiral Nurse service expansion…