Duchy Health Charity

Cornwall’s leading grant giving health charity for the promotion of health and wellbeing
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Cornwall Post-Covid-19: What’s the Prescription for Sustainable Communities?

Webinar 1 held on Friday 23 October 2020
Posted on 11 November 2020

With this introductory session, to initiate a debate on the future shape of Cornwall’s Communities and their ability to adapt to new circumstance that may prevail after the pandemic, we invite you to share your own thoughts and suggestions.

Our project is about developing self-reliant communities in a post-Covid world, communities in which primary health care and social care (including Social Prescribing) should occupy supporting role.

Square pegs and round holes don’t begin to describe the new shapes that life has adopted.

The broader agenda of social prescribing, however, was about enabling communities to look after themselves without having to depend on GPs and pills. And that is needed now more than ever.

View the following clips – we have broken them down to easy ‘bite-sized’ videos – and asked the experts 2 questions

  • What are the main problems to be solved
  •  Can you spot opportunities that give you cause for optimism?


To add your own comments please email us at info@duchyhealthcharity.org and put the word ‘EDEN’ in the title box.  

Donald Mungal welcomes all to the Webinar

Donald is an organisation consultant and has worked closely with the NHS during major changes in the organisation and in particular around behavioural change.

Dr Stewart Smith, GP at St Austell Healthcare

Opens up the discussion and tells us about his early years as a trainee doctor and the emergence of SP.

Dr Michael Dixon, National Clinical lead for Social Prescribing, GP in Cullompton, Devon, and Chair of the College of Medicine

Opens up the discussion and challenges the status quo.

Professor Catherine Leyshon, Associate Professor of Human Biology, University of Exeter, Penryn campus, Falmouth

Introduces the notion of place based communities and their vital role in delivering SP.

Luke Bennett, Partner at PKF Francis Clark

Is a specialist in the Healthcare sector and looks at how ‘profit’ for patients and practices can relive the stress in Primary Care delivery by engaging Social care and the voluntary sector.

Dr Stewart Smith

Describes how his St Austell Practice has embraced SP and some of the early hurdles they have had to overcome.

Donald Mungal

Poses questions arising from the previous speakers and also put some delegate questions to the panel.

Nicky Haughton, Senior Manager in the Personalised Care Group at NHSE

Gives us the national view.

Alex Ollivier, Social Prescriber at Veor Practice, Camborne

Has now been working within SP for two years and describes how ‘personalised’ attention to patients’ needs is the only way to deliver.

Ian Jones, Chief Executive, Volunteer Cornwall

Puts the case for all Cornwall’s healthcare charities in the Voluntary sector to become involved and reveals areas to be addressed in making this happen.

Donald Mungal

Opens up the second set of questions from Delegates

Sophie Hosking, Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods, Cornwall Council

Tempers enthusiasm with the reality that state bureaucracy works at a slower pace than the private sector but that  with we all have to move on regardless – and in the end it is what ‘the people want’ that wins.

Tracey Roose, Chief Executive Officer, AGE UK, Cornwall

Describes front- line working during the pandemic and the legacy that this will leave us when we come out.

Dr Matthew Boulter, General Practitioner, St Clare Practice, Penzance

Was the first ever GP to introduce Social Prescribing within Primary Care and speaks to us from his car in Membury Services!

Donald Mungal asks questions to the whole group and sums up the key webinar points

There are two further questions that he wants all of us to think about and respond to via info@duchyhealthcharity.org

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