Duchy Health Charity

Cornwall’s leading grant giving health charity for the promotion of health and wellbeing
and the prevention of sickness in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly

Founders of healthcare and wellbeing related initiatives
can apply for grants to help reach their objectives
Posted on 30 March 2021
‘This is the forecast for the 1.5 hours on 21 May 2021. The intense FUR-LOW, known as Covid-19 from China that has been battering the UK for the past year is to give way slowly to a weak NEW-NORMAL HIGH approaching us from the coast of KERNOW, thanks to the winds of INTELLIGENCE which will soon envelope the whole of the kingdom and has been harnessed by the Duchy Health Charity to help all our journeys.
Temperatures are expected to cool and we can expect a sunny disposition throughout the whole country from now on thanks to the VACCINE Trade Winds’.

Our good ship ‘Social Prescriber’ sets sail at 2pm on 21 May 2021 (2pm-3.30pm)
– see here for details of the journey.



Social Prescribing: Research Webinar 2 on 21 May 2021 at 2pm to 3.30pm

Progressing our postponed conference in the second of two webinar sessions preparing for our final event at Eden 1 October 2021​

Following Webinar 1 in the autumn of last year we are inviting you to join us to further our research into ways that Cornwall’s GP surgeries will need to respond as we emerge from lockdown and we all, potentially, find our new normal.

To this end we hope that you will be able to join us and question a new panel of speakers – all of whom have their vision for the future – as well as raising issues to help us plan for Eden in the autumn 2021. You will see that this second research session concentrates on children and young people – those that really can make a difference in the future. The webinar will last just 1hour and 30 minutes.


Dr John Evers
John was a consultant physician in Cornwall for nearly 30 years. He quickly developed his role as Community Geriatrician and forged close links between GP’s and care for the elderly, in and near, Community Hospitals. He was one of the first teaching consultants at the Peninsula Medical School, Truro and currently is a board member of Health Watch Cornwall.

Scott Bennett
Scott is qualified Health Economist and has been working as an Independent Consultant for the past 10 years, providing a spectrum of strategic, consultative and advisory services to a number of public sector organisations. His previous roles have included Deputy Director for Local Government and Practice (Devon and Cornwall) Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Assistant Director (Devon and Cornwall) Government Office South West. Prior to this he worked for the NHS in Cornwall in a number of roles included Head of Primary Care and Head of Health Improvement and Partnerships for West of Cornwall PCT.

Sir Al Aynsely – Green
Sir Al is well known to the Duchy Health Charity having been involved in a number of Lectures, Conferences and Events over many years. He is a paediatric endocrinologist and Professor Emeritus of Child Health at University College London. He is most notable for advancing the idea of the rights of children and was appointed to the first Children’s Commissioner for England in March 2005, serving in this position until 2009. During this time he launched an initiative to publicise and combat bullying.

David Barton
Following 35 years teaching in secondary schools across England, twenty five of them as a senior leader and manager, David is now a self- employed education consultant. Currently he is the Consultant Executive Officer for Cornwall Association of Secondary Head-teachers (CASH), supporting school leaders in their work, organising conferences and representing them in many different forums. He has a particular interest in supporting the professional and personal socialisation of leaders as they move from one role to another and is passionate about inter- professional collaboration and the importance of all children’s agencies and schools working together with local communities to improve children’s lives. He is Vice Chair of Trustees at the local secondary academy; a Trustee in a large, primary MAT (and Hub Councillor at the local primary school in that MAT); a Member with the Special Partnership Trust. He is also a Director and Trustee with Kernow Education Arts Partnership (KEAP).

We have asked Dr Michael Dixon, who featured in our first webinar, to sum up

Dr Michael Dixon
Michael is a GP and National Clinical Lead for Social Prescription (NHS England), as well as being Chairman of the College of Medicine. He has been appointed as a government advisor on GP commissioning and is a strong advocate of preventative medicine, healthy living and integrated care. In his Devon practice, patients are able to directly access a range of health check and self-help initiatives; emergency and maternity services; NHS community services including podiatry and physiotherapy and, for certain patients and certain conditions, complementary therapies. The philosophy is to help patients keep well instead of waiting until they are sick before helping them. Its success is demonstrated by the practice’s low referral rates and high scores on all performance indicators.

As before you will be part of an invited audience who will be listening in on a pass-worded webinar event and we will send you a reminder around the end of April – so this note is to say Get this date in your diary!

At the same time we will be sending you our speakers’ papers so that you can pre-compose your questions and some of these will be answered during the webinar session. Those that are not featured there will be replied to off-line after the event but all the questions and answers will be posted on our website.


To get you totally immersed in the subject we will also be showing the premier of our film that was commissioned before Covid-19 became our life-changer; it is interesting to see how we have quickly adapted to certain aspects of Social Prescribing which has been thrown into sharper focus today as we try to find our new normal.
Eden Project Event: The realisation of all our research will be presented at a ‘streamed’ event on 1 October 2021 so please put that date in your diary too!

For up-dated information always refer to www.duchyhealthcharity.org
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