The twice postponed conference, due to Covid-19, on challenges around the introduction of Social Prescribing in Cornwall and now, the new Integrated Care System(ICS), became the focus of GP’s, Health Managers and representatives from the Voluntary Sector on Friday 1 October at the Eden Project.
Here we cover the main speaker’s talks and questions put to the panels during the day. Some are recorded and others are written papers.
We are very grateful to Justin Leigh for his facilitation and involvement throughout the day and his local knowledge on health matters which proved to be invaluable.
Formerly BBC Spotlight South West and now associate Lecturer in Journalism at the University of Marjon, Plymouth, welcomed delegates in the room and who joined us ‘virtually’ for the day.
Chief Executive of the Integrated Care System and how Social Prescribing will sit within it. What will be the main priority and challenge?
Justin invites delegates to ask questions and introduces the next speaker
Service Director for Children’s Health & Wellbeing, Cornwall Council. What are the challenges for children, young people and families within the ICS and Social Prescribing?
CEO, Chaos Group, Cornwall. The role of the Voluntary Sector, how it can be sustained in the plan and the challenge: How to cross boundaries?
GP and Clinical lead. Co-creating Health and Care in local Communities. Can ICS unlock the potential in localities?
Justin invites delegates to ask questions
NHS Adviser talking about how Cornwall’s ‘grey’ residents can face the future with confidence.
Presentation slides – to view the presentation in full click
CEO College of Policing and Non-Executive Director of SW Ambulance talks about selective data handling and identifying the chief beneficiaries of Social Prescribing.
Presentation slides – to view the presentation in full click
Co-chair of the Social Prescribing Network and Chair of the College of Medicine talks about the challenges nationally and an up-date on NHS plans.