Duchy Health Charity

Cornwall’s leading grant giving health charity for the promotion of health and wellbeing
and the prevention of sickness in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly

Founders of healthcare and wellbeing related initiatives
can apply for grants to help reach their objectives

COVID-19 Calling those charities in severe need in Cornwall

At this very difficult time when your own charity is finding it hard to keep services running and funding from public support has all but disappeared we are able to give you an immediate financial help if you qualify for access to our funds and we have arranged how to speed up the grant application process […]

A Message from HRH The Prince of Wales to The Duchy Health Charity

Chair’s Report for the Duchy Health Charity AGM – 13 November 2023 Introduction The Trustees… READ MORE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2021 ‘It has been a year like no other’ is the way I… READ MORE Competition Announcement for our Cornwall Young Persons’ Project Our Mission: to reach more Young People,… READ MORE

‘Out of Chaos comes Creation!

‘OUT OF CHAOS COMES CREATION! For 2020 the Duchy Health Charity has charged CHAOS Group to identify young people from two of the most deprived areas in Cornwall to support their ideas to improve health and wellbeing for their communities. Those invited to take part may be individuals or part of an existing friends’ set, […]

What we are doing in 2020?

WHAT WE ARE DOING IN 2020? As well as looking for lots of amazing new ideas to support with our grants, we are busy making plans for two new exciting projects of our own over the next few months. In March we will be holding a Social Prescribing conference at the Eden Project. As well […]

Resilient Communities and Social Prescribing

RESILIENT COMMUNITIES AND SOCIAL PRESCRIBING Our charity has been working over the past two years towards goals that have now been published by the Government – see link here https://www.hsj.co.uk/policy-and-regulation/primary-care-funding-boost-key-to-prevention-strategy-says-hancock/7023739.article We will continue to report progress in Cornwall and will be announcing important initiatives in the next few weeks. Chair’s Report for the Duchy Health […]

A Tribute to Mike O’Brien

A TRIBUTE TO MIKE O’BRIEN The Trustees are sending their very grateful thanks and sincere condolences to Carol O’Brien, one of our longest and most dedicated Trustees and Member of the Grants Committee, whose husband, Mike, passed away on Thursday, 10 May 2018, and who asked that the collection from his funeral be presented to […]

Duchy Health Charity Newsletter

DUCHY HEALTH CHARITY NEWSLETTER Are the players in Cornwall ready to have difficult conversations? Read about the 3 events we ran last autumn when we invited the key players responsible for the future delivery of health and wellbeing to think 3 P’s: Prevention, People, Place. We put the ideas and suggestions from the groups into three generic […]

We lose an old friend and founding father

WE LOSE AN OLD FRIEND AND FOUNDING FATHER Ian Hamilton FRCS It is with great regret that we learnt of the death of Ian Hamilton who was one of the most influential past Trustees of the Duchy Health Charity and a co-founder of The Duchy Hospital. 40 years ago a number of leading medical consultants at […]

Our new communications conduit

OUR NEW COMMUNICATIONS CONDUIT ‘‘Activity on our website has increased recently with our decision to become involved in the strategic future of Cornwall’s healthcare and we need a more robust site if we are to act a communications conduit”, said Tim Guy, Webmaster, 2015 With more public facing programmes planned in the near future the charity […]

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