CLEAR Emotional Trauma and Therapy Specialists Grant award: £10,000 towards a specialist service for adults…
Are the players in Cornwall ready to have difficult conversations?
Read about the 3 events we ran last autumn when we invited the key players responsible for the future delivery of health and wellbeing to think 3 P’s: Prevention, People, Place. We put the ideas and suggestions from the groups into three generic headings – Quick Wins, The Long Game and Future and Sustainability – all contributing to Cornwall’s STP ‘Sustainability and Transformation Plan.
CLEAR Emotional Trauma and Therapy Specialists Grant award: £10,000 towards a specialist service for adults…
‘Nerth’ for ‘Trelya’ (Power for Change) As a grant giving organisation, supporting non-profit organisations that contribute…
Dementia UK – Admiral Nurses Grant award: £16,000 backing for Cornwall Admiral Nurse service expansion…