Duchy Health Charity

Cornwall’s leading grant giving health charity for the promotion of health and wellbeing
and the prevention of sickness in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly

Founders of healthcare and wellbeing related initiatives
can apply for grants to help reach their objectives

Chair’s Report 2023

Chair’s Report for the Duchy Health Charity AGM – 13 November 2023 Introduction The Trustees of Duchy Health Charity have worked exceptionally hard and with great enthusiasm to fulfil their remit. Every Board member has given their time willingly and shown admirable creativity in trying to address issues and problem solve. As Chair, it continues […]

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The Duchy Health Charity contributes to the Queen’s Green Canopy as part of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee 2022

The Duchy Health Charity contributes to the Queen’s Green Canopy as part of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 The Duchy Health Charity presented the Duchy of Cornwall with funds, as part of the national initiative, supported by the UK Government’s Carbon Guarantee Scheme in the fight against climate change, to plant trees at the Tregurra Park park and ride adjacent […]

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Duchy Health Charity joins forces with Cornwall Community Foundation

An image of helpers arranging donations of food at a food bank

At the start of 2023 the Duchy Health Charity Board recognised that the high price of energy and the fastest rise in living costs experienced within a lifetime is impacting heavily on those on low incomes and with underlying health concerns.

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Bosence Farm Community

Bosence Farm – transforming the lives of people with drug and alcohol addiction. On a warm and sunny day in September, three of our Trustees, along with our Administrator, were welcomed to Bosence Farm Community. Bosence Farm has been a beneficiary of a couple of grants from Duchy Health Charity, and our visit certainly assured […]

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Mary Grigg Award: Duchy Health Charity Enablement Awards

A student of the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has become the first recipient of our new Mary Grigg ‘enablement award’ and received a cheque for £500.00. The name of the student is, of course, confidential but we were thrilled to have this note from her: ‘I just wanted to email to express my thanks […]

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Children’s Sailing Trust

An image of someone sailing a boat overlaid with a picture of the Children's Sailing Trust logo

A ‘secret’ lake, a unique offer and over 5,800 total hours of subsidised water sports in 2021/22 – what’s not to support? For some years now the Duchy Health Charity has supported the Children’s Sailing Trust, formerly Helford River Children’s Sailing Trust and you will see a story on our website about the safety boat we […]

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Duchy Health Charity Awards 2022

In December 2021 we reported on the University of Exeter’s Peninsula Medical School award to Emily Nicholson, and showed a photograph of her being presented with a certificate and cheque for £500, little knowing that and official ceremony would be taking place at St Mellion International Resort in 2022. At last, after two years’ postponement […]

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Chairman’s Report 2021

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2021 ‘It has been a year like no other’ is the way I introduced my report last year but now, in terms of Covid, we have had another similar year which has enforced changes to the way we have been able to ‘do business’. On behalf of the President, Michael Galsworthy, who is […]

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Now and then – hereby hangs a tail

Now and then – hereby hangs a tail Now: 2021 is very special for Mermaids because one has just joined our Charity! She is the symbol for the Cornwall Breast Centre known as the Mermaid Centre and represents all the money raised over the years to keep our vital cancer unit up and running. After 22 […]

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Eden Conference 2021

The twice postponed conference, due to Covid-19, on challenges around the introduction of Social Prescribing in Cornwall and now, the new Integrated Care System(ICS), became the focus of GP’s, Health Managers and representatives from the Voluntary Sector on Friday 1 October at the Eden Project. Here we cover the main speaker’s talks and questions put […]

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